On Thursday 3 June, the second National Drowning Prevention Day will take place in Lacanau, France, organised by the Regional Academic Delegation for Youth, Engagement and Sport (DRAJES) of New Aquitaine.
The day aims to provide information and raise awareness on the theme of drowning, which in France is the leading cause of death by accident in the under-25 age group.
The event will focus on measures to prevent the phenomenon, such as the development of water literacy activities for schoolchildren and the promotion of training for swimming assistants and swimming instructors to increase swimming safety.
French Minister of Sport Roxana Maracineanu, who has always been involved in fixing these issues, will attend the event and present the plan to prevent drowning and promote the development of water literacy in cooperation with the National Agency of Sport.
Drowning statistics for the 2020 summer season will also be presented during the day, followed by other lectures and workshops by public and private individuals actively involved in the drowning prevention policy.
AngelEye, partnering with the event, fully embraces the theme of the day: preventing drownings in swimming pools has always been the company’s mission. AngelEye solutions allow to detect accidents in water, preventing drownings and increasing safety in swimming facilities.